# Generated by ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.EcmwfLocalConcepts on 2017-12-01T15:26:28MST 190 ewova [East-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance anomaly] (m**2) 191 nsova [North-South component of sub-gridscale orographic variance anomaly] (m**2) 192 nwova [North-West/South-East component of sub-gridscale orographic variance anomaly] (m**2) 193 neova [North-East/South-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance anomaly] (m**2) 194 btmpa [Brightness temperature anomaly] (K) 195 lgwsa [Longitudinal component of gravity wave stress anomaly] (N m**-2 s) 196 mgwsa [Meridional component of gravity wave stress anomaly] (N m**-2 s) 197 gwda [Gravity wave dissipation anomaly] (J m**-2) 230 inssa [Instantaneous Y surface stress anomaly] (N m**-2) 198 srca [Skin reservoir content anomaly] (kg m**-2) 231 ishfa [Instantaneous surface heat flux anomaly] (J m**-2) 199 vfa [Vegetation fraction anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 232 iea [Instantaneous moisture flux anomaly] (kg m**-2 s) 233 asqa [Apparent surface humidity anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 234 lsrha [Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat anomaly] (~) 235 skta [Skin temperature anomaly] (K) 236 stal4 [Soil temperature level 4 anomaly] (K) 237 swal4 [Soil wetness level 4 anomaly] (m) 238 tsna [Temperature of snow layer anomaly] (K) 239 csfa [Convective snowfall anomaly] (m of water equivalent) 11 udwa [U component of divergent wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 12 vdwa [V component of divergent wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 13 urwa [U component of rotational wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 14 vrwa [V component of rotational wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 240 lsfa [Large scale snowfall anomaly] (m of water equivalent) 241 acfa [Accumulated cloud fraction tendency anomaly] ((-1 to 1)) 121 mx2t6a [Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours anomaly] (K) 242 alwa [Accumulated liquid water tendency anomaly] ((-1 to 1)) 122 mn2t6a [Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours anomaly] (K) 1 strfa [Stream function anomaly] (m**2 s**-1) 243 fala [Forecast albedo anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 2 vpota [Velocity potential anomaly] (m**2 s**-1) 244 fsra [Forecast surface roughness anomaly] (m) 3 pta [Potential temperature anomaly] (K) 245 flsra [Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat anomaly] (~) 4 epta [Equivalent potential temperature anomaly] (K) 125 vitea [Vertically integrated total energy anomaly] (J m**-2) 246 clwca [Cloud liquid water content anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 5 septa [Saturated equivalent potential temperature anomaly] (K) 126 ~ [Generic parameter for sensitive area prediction] (Various) 247 ciwca [Cloud ice water content anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 6 100ua [100 metre U wind component anomaly] (m s**-1) 127 ata [Atmospheric tide anomaly] (~) 248 cca [Cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 7 100va [100 metre V wind component anomaly] (m s**-1) 128 bva [Budget values anomaly] (~) 249 aiwa [Accumulated ice water tendency anomaly] ((-1 to 1)) 129 za [Geopotential anomaly] (m**2 s**-2) 21 uctpa [Unbalanced component of temperature anomaly] (K) 22 uclna [Unbalanced component of logarithm of surface pressure anomaly] (~) 23 ucdva [Unbalanced component of divergence anomaly] (s**-1) 26 cla [Lake cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 27 cvla [Low vegetation cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 28 cvha [High vegetation cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 29 tvla [Type of low vegetation anomaly] (~) 250 iaa [Ice age anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 130 ta [Temperature anomaly] (K) 251 attea [Adiabatic tendency of temperature anomaly] (K) 131 ua [U component of wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 252 athea [Adiabatic tendency of humidity anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 132 va [V component of wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 253 atzea [Adiabatic tendency of zonal wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 133 qa [Specific humidity anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 254 atmwa [Adiabatic tendency of meridional wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 134 spa [Surface pressure anomaly] (Pa) 255 ~ [Indicates a missing value] (~) 135 wa [Vertical velocity (pressure) anomaly] (Pa s**-1) 136 tcwa [Total column water anomaly] (kg m**-2) 137 tcwva [Total column water vapour anomaly] (kg m**-2) 138 voa [Relative vorticity anomaly] (s**-1) 139 stal1 [Soil temperature anomaly level 1] (K) 30 tvha [Type of high vegetation anomaly] (~) 31 sica [Sea-ice cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 32 asna [Snow albedo anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 33 rsna [Snow density anomaly] (kg m**-3) 34 ssta [Sea surface temperature anomaly] (K) 35 istal1 [Ice surface temperature anomaly layer 1] (K) 36 istal2 [Ice surface temperature anomaly layer 2] (K) 37 istal3 [Ice surface temperature anomaly layer 3] (K) 38 istal4 [Ice surface temperature anomaly layer 4] (K) 39 swval1 [Volumetric soil water anomaly layer 1] (m**3 m**-3) 140 swal1 [Soil wetness anomaly level 1] (kg m**-2) 141 sda [Snow depth anomaly] (m of water equivalent) 142 lspa [Stratiform precipitation (Large-scale precipitation) anomaly] (m) 143 cpa [Convective precipitation anomaly] (m) 144 sfa [Snowfall (convective + stratiform) anomaly] (m of water equivalent) 145 blda [Boundary layer dissipation anomaly] (J m**-2) 146 sshfa [Surface sensible heat flux anomaly] (J m**-2) 147 slhfa [Surface latent heat flux anomaly] (J m**-2) 148 chnka [Charnock anomaly] (~) 149 snra [Surface net radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 40 swval2 [Volumetric soil water anomaly layer 2] (m**3 m**-3) 41 swval3 [Volumetric soil water anomaly layer 3] (m**3 m**-3) 42 swval4 [Volumetric soil water anomaly layer 4] (m**3 m**-3) 43 slta [Soil type anomaly] (~) 44 esa [Snow evaporation anomaly] (kg m**-2) 45 smlta [Snowmelt anomaly] (kg m**-2) 46 sdura [Solar duration anomaly] (s) 47 dsrpa [Direct solar radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 48 magssa [Magnitude of surface stress anomaly] (N m**-2 s) 49 10fga [10 metre wind gust anomaly] (m s**-1) 150 tnra [Top net radiation anomaly] (~) 151 msla [Mean sea level pressure anomaly] (Pa) 152 lspa [Logarithm of surface pressure anomaly] (~) 153 swhra [Short-wave heating rate anomaly] (K) 154 lwhra [Long-wave heating rate anomaly] (K) 155 da [Relative divergence anomaly] (s**-1) 156 gha [Height anomaly] (m) 157 ra [Relative humidity anomaly] (%) 158 tspa [Tendency of surface pressure anomaly] (Pa s**-1) 159 blha [Boundary layer height anomaly] (m) 50 lspfa [Large-scale precipitation fraction anomaly] (s) 51 mx2t24a [Maximum 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours anomaly] (K) 52 mn2t24a [Minimum 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours anomaly] (K) 53 monta [Montgomery potential anomaly] (m**2 s**-2) 54 pa [Pressure anomaly] (Pa) 55 mn2t24a [Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours anomaly] (K) 56 mn2d24a [Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours anomaly] (K) 57 uvba [Downward UV radiation at the surface anomaly] (J m**-2) 58 para [Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface anomaly] (J m**-2) 59 capea [Convective available potential energy anomaly] (J kg**-1) 160 sdora [Standard deviation of orography anomaly] (~) 161 isora [Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography anomaly] (~) 162 anora [Angle of sub-gridscale orography anomaly] (radians) 163 slora [Slope of sub-gridscale orography anomaly] (~) 164 tcca [Total cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 165 10ua [10 metre U wind component anomaly] (m s**-1) 166 10va [10 metre V wind component anomaly] (m s**-1) 167 2ta [2 metre temperature anomaly] (K) 200 vsoa [Variance of sub-gridscale orography anomaly] (m**2) 168 2da [2 metre dewpoint temperature anomaly] (K) 201 mx2ta [Maximum temperature at 2 metres anomaly] (K) 169 ssrda [Surface solar radiation downwards anomaly] (J m**-2) 202 mn2ta [Minimum temperature at 2 metres anomaly] (K) 203 o3a [Ozone mass mixing ratio anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 204 pawa [Precipitation analysis weights anomaly] (~) 205 roa [Runoff anomaly] (m) 206 tco3a [Total column ozone anomaly] (kg m**-2) 207 10ua [10 metre wind speed anomaly] (m s**-1) 60 pva [Potential vorticity anomaly] (K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1) 208 tsrca [Top net solar radiation clear sky anomaly] (J m**-2) 61 tpoa [Total precipitation from observations anomaly] (Millimetres*100 + number of stations) 209 ttrca [Top net thermal radiation clear sky anomaly] (J m**-2) 62 obcta [Observation count anomaly] (~) 63 stsktda [Start time for skin temperature difference anomaly] (s) 64 ftsktda [Finish time for skin temperature difference anomaly] (s) 65 sktda [Skin temperature difference anomaly] (K) 170 slal2 [Soil temperature anomaly level 2] (K) 171 swal2 [Soil wetness anomaly level 2] (kg m**-2) 172 lsm [Land-sea mask] ((0 - 1)) 173 sra [Surface roughness anomaly] (m) 174 ala [Albedo anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 175 strda [Surface thermal radiation downwards anomaly] (J m**-2) 176 ssra [Surface net solar radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 177 stra [Surface net thermal radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 210 ssrca [Surface net solar radiation clear sky anomaly] (J m**-2) 178 tsra [Top net solar radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 211 strca [Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky anomaly] (J m**-2) 179 ttra [Top net thermal radiation anomaly] (J m**-2) 212 sia [Solar insolation anomaly] (J m**-2) 214 dhra [Diabatic heating by radiation anomaly] (K) 215 dhvda [Diabatic heating by vertical diffusion anomaly] (K) 216 dhcca [Diabatic heating by cumulus convection anomaly] (K) 217 dhlca [Diabatic heating by large-scale condensation anomaly] (K) 218 vdzwa [Vertical diffusion of zonal wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 219 vdmwa [Vertical diffusion of meridional wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 78 tclwa [Total column liquid water anomaly] (kg m**-2) 79 tciwa [Total column ice water anomaly] (kg m**-2) 180 eqssa [East-West surface stress anomaly] (N m**-2 s) 181 nsssa [North-South surface stress anomaly] (N m**-2 s) 182 ea [Evaporation anomaly] (kg m**-2) 183 stal3 [Soil temperature anomaly level 3] (K) 184 swal3 [Soil wetness anomaly level 3] (kg m**-2) 185 ccca [Convective cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 186 lcca [Low cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 187 mcca [Medium cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 220 ewgda [East-West gravity wave drag tendency anomaly] (m s**-1) 188 hcca [High cloud cover anomaly] ((0 - 1)) 221 nsgda [North-South gravity wave drag tendency anomaly] (m s**-1) 189 sunda [Sunshine duration anomaly] (s) 222 ctzwa [Convective tendency of zonal wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 223 ctmwa [Convective tendency of meridional wind anomaly] (m s**-1) 224 vdha [Vertical diffusion of humidity anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 225 htcca [Humidity tendency by cumulus convection anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 226 htlca [Humidity tendency by large-scale condensation anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 227 crnha [Change from removal of negative humidity anomaly] (kg kg**-1) 228 tpa [Total precipitation anomaly] (m) 229 iewsa [Instantaneous X surface stress anomaly] (N m**-2)