# Generated by ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.EcmwfLocalConcepts on 2017-12-01T15:26:28MST 190 ewov [East-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance] (m**2) 191 nsov [North-South component of sub-gridscale orographic variance] (m**2) 192 nwov [North-West/South-East component of sub-gridscale orographic variance] (m**2) 193 neov [North-East/South-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance] (m**2) 195 lgws [Eastward gravity wave surface stress] (N m**-2 s) 196 mgws [Northward gravity wave surface stress] (N m**-2 s) 197 gwd [Gravity wave dissipation] (J m**-2) 230 inss [Instantaneous northward turbulent surface stress] (N m**-2) 198 srcrea [Skin reservoir content] (kg m**-2) 231 ishfrea [Instantaneous surface heat flux] (J m**-2) 232 ie [Instantaneous moisture flux] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 199 vegrea [Percentage of vegetation] (%) 233 asq [Apparent surface humidity] (kg kg**-1) 234 lsrh [Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat] (~) 235 skt [Skin temperature] (K) 236 stl4 [Soil temperature level 4] (K) 237 swl4 [Soil wetness level 4] (m) 238 tsn [Temperature of snow layer] (K) 239 csfrea [Convective snowfall] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 240 lsfrea [Large scale snowfall] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 241 clwcerrea [Cloud liquid water content] (kg kg**-1) 242 ccrea [Cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 243 falrea [Forecast albedo] (~) 244 fsr [Forecast surface roughness] (m) 245 flsr [Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat] (~) 246 10wsrea [10 metre wind speed] (m s**-1) 247 moflrea [Momentum flux] (N m**-2) 127 at [Atmospheric tide] (~) 128 bv [Budget values] (~) 249 ~ [Gravity wave dissipation flux] (J m**-2) 129 z [Geopotential] (m**2 s**-2) 130 t [Temperature] (K) 131 u [U component of wind] (m s**-1) 132 v [V component of wind] (m s**-1) 133 q [Specific humidity] (kg kg**-1) 254 hsdrea [Heaviside beta function] ((0 - 1)) 134 sp [Surface pressure] (Pa) 255 ~ [Indicates a missing value] (~) 135 wrea [vertical velocity (pressure)] (Pa s**-1) 136 tcw [Total column water] (kg m**-2) 137 pwcrea [Precipitable water content] (kg m**-2) 138 vo [Vorticity (relative)] (s**-1) 139 stl1 [Soil temperature level 1] (K) 140 swl1rea [Soil wetness level 1] (m) 141 sdrea [Snow depth] (kg m**-2) 142 lsprea [Large-scale precipitation] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 143 cprea [Convective precipitation] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 144 sfrea [Snowfall] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 145 bld [Boundary layer dissipation] (J m**-2) 146 sshf [Surface sensible heat flux] (J m**-2) 147 slhf [Surface latent heat flux] (J m**-2) 49 10fgrea [10 metre wind gust during averaging time] (m s**-1) 151 msl [Mean sea level pressure] (Pa) 152 lnsp [Logarithm of surface pressure] (~) 155 d [Divergence] (s**-1) 156 ghrea [Height] (m) 157 rrea [Relative humidity] ((0 - 1)) 158 tsp [Tendency of surface pressure] (Pa s**-1) 164 tcc [Total cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 165 10u [10 metre U wind component] (m s**-1) 166 10v [10 metre V wind component] (m s**-1) 167 2t [2 metre temperature] (K) 200 vso [Variance of sub-gridscale orography] (m**2) 168 2d [2 metre dewpoint temperature] (K) 201 mx2trea [Maximum temperature at 2 metres during averaging time] (K) 202 mn2trea [Minimum temperature at 2 metres during averaging time] (K) 204 paw [Precipitation analysis weights] (~) 205 rorea [Runoff] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 206 zzrea [Standard deviation of geopotential] (m**2 s**-2) 207 tzrea [Covariance of temperature and geopotential] (K m**2 s**-2) 208 ttrea [Standard deviation of temperature] (K) 209 qzrea [Covariance of specific humidity and geopotential] (m**2 s**-2) 170 stl2 [Soil temperature level 2] (K) 171 swl2rea [Soil wetness level 2] (m) 172 lsm [Land-sea mask] ((0 - 1)) 173 sr [Surface roughness] (m) 174 al [Albedo] ((0 - 1)) 176 ssr [Surface net solar radiation] (J m**-2) 177 str [Surface net thermal radiation] (J m**-2) 210 qtrea [Covariance of specific humidity and temperature] (K) 178 tsr [Top net solar radiation] (J m**-2) 211 qqrea [Standard deviation of specific humidity] ((0 - 1)) 179 ttr [Top net thermal radiation] (J m**-2) 212 uzrea [Covariance of U component and geopotential] (m**3 s**-3) 213 utrea [Covariance of U component and temperature] (K m s**-1) 214 uqrea [Covariance of U component and specific humidity] (m s**-1) 215 uurea [Standard deviation of U velocity] (m s**-1) 216 vzrea [Covariance of V component and geopotential] (m**3 s**-3) 217 vtrea [Covariance of V component and temperature] (K m s**-1) 218 vqrea [Covariance of V component and specific humidity] (m s**-1) 219 vurea [Covariance of V component and U component] (m**2 s**-2) 180 ewssrea [East-West surface stress] (N m**-2 s**-1) 181 nsssrea [North-South surface stress] (N m**-2 s**-1) 182 erea [Evaporation] (kg m**-2 s**-1) 183 stl3 [Soil temperature level 3] (K) 184 swl3rea [Soil wetness level 3] (m) 185 ccc [Convective cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 186 lcc [Low cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 187 mcc [Medium cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 220 vvrea [Standard deviation of V component] (m s**-1) 188 hcc [High cloud cover] ((0 - 1)) 221 wzrea [Covariance of W component and geopotential] (Pa m**2 s**-3) 222 wtrea [Covariance of W component and temperature] (K Pa s**-1) 223 wqrea [Covariance of W component and specific humidity] (Pa s**-1) 224 wurea [Covariance of W component and U component] (Pa m s**-2) 225 wvrea [Covariance of W component and V component] (Pa m s**-2) 226 wwrea [Standard deviation of vertical velocity] (Pa s**-1) 228 tp [Total precipitation] (m) 229 iews [Instantaneous eastward turbulent surface stress] (N m**-2)