# Generated by ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.EcmwfLocalConcepts on 2017-12-01T15:26:28MST 230 inssgrd [Instantaneous Y surface stress gradient] (N m**-2) 110 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 231 ishfgrd [Instantaneous surface heat flux gradient] (J m**-2) 111 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 232 iegrd [Instantaneous moisture flux gradient] (kg m**-2 s) 112 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 233 asqgrd [Apparent surface humidity gradient] (kg kg**-1) 113 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 234 lsrhgrd [Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat gradient] (~) 114 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 235 sktgrd [Skin temperature gradient] (K) 115 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 236 stl4grd [Soil temperature level 4 gradient] (K) 116 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 237 swl4grd [Soil wetness level 4 gradient] (m) 117 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 238 tsngrd [Temperature of snow layer gradient] (K) 118 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 239 csfgrd [Convective snowfall gradient] (m of water equivalent) 119 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 11 udvwgrd [U component of divergent wind gradient] (m s**-1) 12 vdvwgrd [V component of divergent wind gradient] (m s**-1) 13 urtwgrd [U component of rotational wind gradient] (m s**-1) 14 vrtwgrd [V component of rotational wind gradient] (m s**-1) 240 lsfgrd [Large scale snowfall gradient] (m of water equivalent) 120 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 241 acfgrd [Accumulated cloud fraction tendency gradient] ((-1 to 1)) 121 mx2t6grd [Maximum temperature at 2 metres gradient] (K) 242 alwgrd [Accumulated liquid water tendency gradient] ((-1 to 1)) 1 strfgrd [Stream function gradient] (m**2 s**-1) 122 mn2t6grd [Minimum temperature at 2 metres gradient] (K) 243 falgrd [Forecast albedo gradient] ((0 - 1)) 2 vpotgrd [Velocity potential gradient] (m**2 s**-1) 123 10fg6grd [10 metre wind gust in the last 6 hours gradient] (m s**-1) 244 fsrgrd [Forecast surface roughness gradient] (m) 3 ptgrd [Potential temperature gradient] (K) 245 flsrgrd [Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat gradient] (~) 4 eqptgrd [Equivalent potential temperature gradient] (K) 125 ~ [Vertically integrated total energy] (J m**-2) 246 clwcgrd [Specific cloud liquid water content gradient] (kg kg**-1) 5 septgrd [Saturated equivalent potential temperature gradient] (K) 126 ~ [Generic parameter for sensitive area prediction] (Various) 247 ciwcgrd [Specific cloud ice water content gradient] (kg kg**-1) 127 atgrd [Atmospheric tide gradient] (~) 248 ccgrd [Cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 128 bvgrd [Budget values gradient] (~) 249 aiwgrd [Accumulated ice water tendency gradient] ((-1 to 1)) 129 zgrd [Geopotential gradient] (m**2 s**-2) 21 uctpgrd [Unbalanced component of temperature gradient] (K) 22 uclngrd [Unbalanced component of logarithm of surface pressure gradient] (~) 23 ucdvgrd [Unbalanced component of divergence gradient] (s**-1) 24 ~ [Reserved for future unbalanced components] (~) 25 ~ [Reserved for future unbalanced components] (~) 26 clgrd [Lake cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 27 cvlgrd [Low vegetation cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 28 cvhgrd [High vegetation cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 29 tvlgrd [Type of low vegetation gradient] (~) 250 icegrd [Ice age gradient] ((0 - 1)) 130 tgrd [Temperature gradient] (K) 251 attegrd [Adiabatic tendency of temperature gradient] (K) 131 ugrd [U component of wind gradient] (m s**-1) 252 athegrd [Adiabatic tendency of humidity gradient] (kg kg**-1) 132 vgrd [V component of wind gradient] (m s**-1) 253 atzegrd [Adiabatic tendency of zonal wind gradient] (m s**-1) 133 qgrd [Specific humidity gradient] (kg kg**-1) 254 atmwgrd [Adiabatic tendency of meridional wind gradient] (m s**-1) 134 spgrd [Surface pressure gradient] (Pa) 255 ~ [Indicates a missing value] (~) 135 wgrd [vertical velocity (pressure) gradient] (Pa s**-1) 136 tcwgrd [Total column water gradient] (kg m**-2) 137 tcwvgrd [Total column water vapour gradient] (kg m**-2) 138 vogrd [Vorticity (relative) gradient] (s**-1) 139 stl1grd [Soil temperature level 1 gradient] (K) 30 tvhgrd [Type of high vegetation gradient] (~) 31 sicgrd [Sea-ice cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 32 asngrd [Snow albedo gradient] ((0 - 1)) 33 rsngrd [Snow density gradient] (kg m**-3) 34 sstkgrd [Sea surface temperature gradient] (K) 35 istl1grd [Ice surface temperature layer 1 gradient] (K) 36 istl2grd [Ice surface temperature layer 2 gradient] (K) 37 istl3grd [Ice surface temperature layer 3 gradient] (K) 38 istl4grd [Ice surface temperature layer 4 gradient] (K) 39 swvl1grd [Volumetric soil water layer 1 gradient] (m**3 m**-3) 140 swl1grd [Soil wetness level 1 gradient] (kg m**-2) 141 sdgrd [Snow depth gradient] (m of water equivalent) 142 lspgrd [Stratiform precipitation (Large-scale precipitation) gradient] (m) 143 cpgrd [Convective precipitation gradient] (m) 144 sfgrd [Snowfall (convective + stratiform) gradient] (m of water equivalent) 145 bldgrd [Boundary layer dissipation gradient] (J m**-2) 146 sshfgrd [Surface sensible heat flux gradient] (J m**-2) 147 slhfgrd [Surface latent heat flux gradient] (J m**-2) 148 chnkgrd [Charnock gradient] (~) 149 snrgrd [Surface net radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 40 swvl2grd [Volumetric soil water layer 2 gradient] (m**3 m**-3) 41 swvl3grd [Volumetric soil water layer 3 gradient] (m**3 m**-3) 42 swvl4grd [Volumetric soil water layer 4 gradient] (m**3 m**-3) 43 sltgrd [Soil type gradient] (~) 44 esgrd [Snow evaporation gradient] (kg m**-2) 45 smltgrd [Snowmelt gradient] (kg m**-2) 46 sdurgrd [Solar duration gradient] (s) 47 dsrpgrd [Direct solar radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 48 magssgrd [Magnitude of surface stress gradient] (N m**-2 s) 49 10fggrd [10 metre wind gust gradient] (m s**-1) 150 tnrgrd [Top net radiation gradient] (~) 151 mslgrd [Mean sea level pressure gradient] (Pa) 152 lnspgrd [Logarithm of surface pressure gradient] (~) 153 swhrgrd [Short-wave heating rate gradient] (K) 154 lwhrgrd [Long-wave heating rate gradient] (K) 155 dgrd [Divergence gradient] (s**-1) 156 ghgrd [Height gradient] (m) 157 rgrd [Relative humidity gradient] (%) 158 tspgrd [Tendency of surface pressure gradient] (Pa s**-1) 159 blhgrd [Boundary layer height gradient] (m) 50 lspfgrd [Large-scale precipitation fraction gradient] (s) 51 mx2t24grd [Maximum 2 metre temperature gradient] (K) 52 mn2t24grd [Minimum 2 metre temperature gradient] (K) 53 montgrd [Montgomery potential gradient] (m**2 s**-2) 54 presgrd [Pressure gradient] (Pa) 55 mean2t24grd [Mean 2 metre temperature in the last 24 hours gradient] (K) 56 mn2d24grd [Mean 2 metre dewpoint temperature in the last 24 hours gradient] (K) 57 uvbgrd [Downward UV radiation at the surface gradient] (J m**-2) 58 pargrd [Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface gradient] (J m**-2) 59 capegrd [Convective available potential energy gradient] (J kg**-1) 160 sdorgrd [Standard deviation of orography gradient] (~) 161 isorgrd [Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography gradient] (~) 162 anorgrd [Angle of sub-gridscale orography gradient] (radians) 163 slorgrd [Slope of sub-gridscale orography gradient] (~) 164 tccgrd [Total cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 165 10ugrd [10 metre U wind component gradient] (m s**-1) 166 10vgrd [10 metre V wind component gradient] (m s**-1) 167 2tgrd [2 metre temperature gradient] (K) 168 2dgrd [2 metre dewpoint temperature gradient] (K) 169 ssrdgrd [Surface solar radiation downwards gradient] (J m**-2) 60 pvgrd [Potential vorticity gradient] (K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1) 61 tpogrd [Total precipitation from observations gradient] (Millimetres*100 + number of stations) 62 obctgrd [Observation count gradient] (~) 63 ~ [Start time for skin temperature difference] (s) 64 ~ [Finish time for skin temperature difference] (s) 65 ~ [Skin temperature difference] (K) 66 ~ [Leaf area index, low vegetation] (m**2 m**-2) 67 ~ [Leaf area index, high vegetation] (m**2 m**-2) 68 ~ [Minimum stomatal resistance, low vegetation] (s m**-1) 69 ~ [Minimum stomatal resistance, high vegetation] (s m**-1) 170 stl2grd [Soil temperature level 2 gradient] (K) 171 swl2grd [Soil wetness level 2 gradient] (kg m**-2) 172 lsmgrd [Land-sea mask gradient] ((0 - 1)) 173 srgrd [Surface roughness gradient] (m) 174 algrd [Albedo gradient] ((0 - 1)) 175 strdgrd [Surface thermal radiation downwards gradient] (J m**-2) 176 ssrgrd [Surface net solar radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 177 strgrd [Surface net thermal radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 178 tsrgrd [Top net solar radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 179 ttrgrd [Top net thermal radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 70 ~ [Biome cover, low vegetation] ((0 - 1)) 71 ~ [Biome cover, high vegetation] ((0 - 1)) 78 ~ [Total column liquid water] (kg m**-2) 79 ~ [Total column ice water] (kg m**-2) 180 ewssgrd [East-West surface stress gradient] (N m**-2 s) 181 nsssgrd [North-South surface stress gradient] (N m**-2 s) 182 egrd [Evaporation gradient] (kg m**-2) 183 stl3grd [Soil temperature level 3 gradient] (K) 184 swl3grd [Soil wetness level 3 gradient] (kg m**-2) 185 cccgrd [Convective cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 186 lccgrd [Low cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 187 mccgrd [Medium cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 188 hccgrd [High cloud cover gradient] ((0 - 1)) 189 sundgrd [Sunshine duration gradient] (s) 80 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 81 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 82 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 83 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 84 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 85 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 86 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 87 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 88 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 89 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 190 ewovgrd [East-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance gradient] (m**2) 191 nsovgrd [North-South component of sub-gridscale orographic variance gradient] (m**2) 192 nwovgrd [North-West/South-East component of sub-gridscale orographic variance gradient] (m**2) 193 neovgrd [North-East/South-West component of sub-gridscale orographic variance gradient] (m**2) 194 btmpgrd [Brightness temperature gradient] (K) 195 lgwsgrd [Longitudinal component of gravity wave stress gradient] (N m**-2 s) 196 mgwsgrd [Meridional component of gravity wave stress gradient] (N m**-2 s) 197 gwdgrd [Gravity wave dissipation gradient] (J m**-2) 198 srcgrd [Skin reservoir content gradient] (kg m**-2) 199 veggrd [Vegetation fraction gradient] ((0 - 1)) 90 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 91 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 92 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 93 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 94 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 95 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 96 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 97 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 98 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 99 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 200 vsogrd [Variance of sub-gridscale orography gradient] (m**2) 201 mx2tgrd [Maximum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing gradient] (K) 202 mn2tgrd [Minimum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing gradient] (K) 203 o3grd [Ozone mass mixing ratio gradient] (kg kg**-1) 204 pawgrd [Precipitation analysis weights gradient] (~) 205 rogrd [Runoff gradient] (m) 206 tco3grd [Total column ozone gradient] (kg m**-2) 207 10sigrd [10 metre wind speed gradient] (m s**-1) 208 tsrcgrd [Top net solar radiation, clear sky gradient] (J m**-2) 209 ttrcgrd [Top net thermal radiation, clear sky gradient] (J m**-2) 210 ssrcgrd [Surface net solar radiation, clear sky gradient] (J m**-2) 211 strcgrd [Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky gradient] (J m**-2) 212 tisrgrd [TOA incident solar radiation gradient] (J m**-2) 214 dhrgrd [Diabatic heating by radiation gradient] (K) 215 dhvdgrd [Diabatic heating by vertical diffusion gradient] (K) 216 dhccgrd [Diabatic heating by cumulus convection gradient] (K) 217 dhlcgrd [Diabatic heating large-scale condensation gradient] (K) 218 vdzwgrd [Vertical diffusion of zonal wind gradient] (m s**-1) 219 vdmwgrd [Vertical diffusion of meridional wind gradient] (m s**-1) 220 ewgdgrd [East-West gravity wave drag tendency gradient] (m s**-1) 100 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 221 nsgdgrd [North-South gravity wave drag tendency gradient] (m s**-1) 101 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 222 ctzwgrd [Convective tendency of zonal wind gradient] (m s**-1) 102 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 223 ctmwgrd [Convective tendency of meridional wind gradient] (m s**-1) 103 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 224 vdhgrd [Vertical diffusion of humidity gradient] (kg kg**-1) 104 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 225 htccgrd [Humidity tendency by cumulus convection gradient] (kg kg**-1) 105 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 226 htlcgrd [Humidity tendency by large-scale condensation gradient] (kg kg**-1) 106 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 227 crnhgrd [Change from removal of negative humidity gradient] (kg kg**-1) 107 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 228 tpgrd [Total precipitation gradient] (m) 108 ~ [Experimental product] (~) 229 iewsgrd [Instantaneous X surface stress gradient] (N m**-2) 109 ~ [Experimental product] (~)