# # Main Configuration of JSyntaxPane # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # These will be used by all kits, unless the same key is used for a specific # kit, in which case the specific will be used: # # These are the componets that will be installed be default for any kit, # unless specified otherwise Components = jsyntaxpane.components.PairsMarker, \ jsyntaxpane.components.LineNumbersRuler # This is the color to highlight tokens whenever the cursor is on them TokenMarker.Color = 0xffeeaa # Colors for PairMarkers PairMarker.Color = 0xffbb77 # # Right Margin for LineNumbers border in pixels, Default = 5 LineNumbers.RightMargin = 7 # Foreground for line numbers, Default = Black LineNumbers.Foreground = 0x333300 # Background for line numbers, Default = White LineNumbers.Background = 0xeeeeff # Color to use for highlighting current line background LineNumbers.CurrentBack = 0xccccee # Default color for the Caret, Black CaretColor = 0x000000 # # Actions: # The key is of the format: # Actions.NAME = class [, key]* # where NAME is the name to be given to the Action. Any String [alpha or -] is valid. # class is the fully qualified class name of the SyntaxAction class. # Starting from 0.9.5, each Action will instantiate a new class. If you need # to share some data between the Actions, then add a Property to the Document # Key is the keyboard key to map it to as specified by # KeyStroke.getKeyStroge(String key). You may have zero or more key bindings # to an Action. The last Key bound will be shown in the popup menu if enabled. # You can also specify the "menu" modifier, and it will be mapped to the proper menu # key depending on the running platform (CTRL on Windows and ALT on Mac) # # Each fully qualified key can also be used as a prefix for configuring the Action # Action.NAME.MenuText = The description to use in menus (This sets the Action NAME property) # Action.NAME.SmallIcon = the smallicon to use. The default is to look for an icon # with the same name as the action + ".png". This sets the Actions SMALL_ICON property # Action.NAME.Tooltip = Tooltip displayed for menu. This sets the # Actions SHORT_DESCRIPTION property Action.quick-find = jsyntaxpane.actions.QuickFindAction, control F Action.find = jsyntaxpane.actions.FindReplaceAction, control H Action.find.MenuText = Find Action.find.ToolTip= Display Find And Replace Dialog Action.find-next = jsyntaxpane.actions.FindNextAction, F3 Action.find-next.MenuText = Find Next Action.find-next.ToolTip = Repeat Last Find Action.goto-line = jsyntaxpane.actions.GotoLineAction, control G Action.goto-line.MenuText = Goto Line Number Action.goto-line.ToolTip = Goto Line Number Action.indent = jsyntaxpane.actions.IndentAction, TAB Action.indent.MenuText = Indent Action.indent.Abbreviations = ${class_path}/abbreviations.properties Action.unindent = jsyntaxpane.actions.UnindentAction, shift TAB Action.unindent.MenuText = Un-Indent Action.jindent = jsyntaxpane.actions.JIndentAction, ENTER Action.undo = jsyntaxpane.actions.UndoAction, menu Z Action.undo.MenuText = Undo Action.redo = jsyntaxpane.actions.RedoAction, menu Y Action.redo.LinuxKey = control shift Z Action.redo.MacKey = meta shift Z Action.redo.MenuText = Redo Action.delete-lines = jsyntaxpane.actions.DeleteLinesAction, control E Action.delete-lines.MenuText = Delete Line(s) Action.dup-lines-up = jsyntaxpane.actions.DuplicateLinesAction, shift control UP Action.dup-lines-up.MenuText = DUplicate Lines Above Action.dup-lines-down = jsyntaxpane.actions.DuplicateLinesAction, shift control DOWN Action.dup-lines-down.MenuText = Duplicate Lines Below Action.toggle-lines = jsyntaxpane.actions.ToggleComponentAction, control F2 Action.toggle-lines.Component = jsyntaxpane.components.LineNumbersRuler Action.toggle-lines.MenuText = Toggle Line Numbers Action.toggle-comments = jsyntaxpane.actions.ToggleCommentsAction, control SLASH Action.toggle-comments.MenuText = Toggle Comments Action.toggle-comments.SmallIcon = comment.png Action.jump-to-pair = jsyntaxpane.actions.JumpToPairAction, control OPEN_BRACKET Action.jump-to-pair.MenuText = Jump to Pair Action.complete-word = jsyntaxpane.actions.CompleteWordAction, control K Action.complete-word.MenuText = Complete Word Action.smart-home = jsyntaxpane.actions.SmartHomeAction, HOME Action.smart-home-select = jsyntaxpane.actions.SmartHomeSelectAction, shift HOME Action.show-abbs = jsyntaxpane.actions.ShowAbbsAction, F8 Action.show-abbs.MenuText = Show abbreviations Action.show-abbs.ToolTip = Show abbreviations # # These configure the Default Actions provided by DefaultEditorKit for popup menus DefaultAction.copy-to-clipboard.MenuText = Copy DefaultAction.cut-to-clipboard.MenuText = Cut DefaultAction.paste-from-clipboard.MenuText = Paste DefaultAction.select-all.MenuText = Select All # # View configuration: # This controls how text is anti-aliased on the editor control: # see the RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS.... for details # DEFAULT: use the JRE default (default value) # ON: set to on, let the JRE determine best method for the display # OFF: no AA # GASP: used on GTK # HBGR: # HRGB: # VBGR: # VRGM TextAA = ON DEFAULT_EDIT_MENU= \ cut-to-clipboard , \ copy-to-clipboard , \ paste-from-clipboard , \ - , \ select-all , \ - , \ undo , \ redo , \ - , \ find , \ find-next , \ goto-line , \ jump-to-pair , \ - , \ complete-word , \ show-abbs # Default Popup Menu PopupMenu = \ ${DEFAULT_EDIT_MENU} , \ - , \ goto-line , \ toggle-comments # # These are the various Attributes for each TokenType. # The keys of this map are the TokenType Strings, and the values are: # color (hex, or integer), Font.Style attribute # Style is one of: 0 = plain, 1=bold, 2=italic, 3=bold/italic Style.OPERATOR = 0x000000, 0 Style.DELIMITER = 0x000000, 1 Style.KEYWORD = 0x3333ee, 0 Style.KEYWORD2 = 0x3333ee, 3 Style.TYPE = 0x000000, 2 Style.TYPE2 = 0x000000, 1 Style.TYPE3 = 0x000000, 3 Style.STRING = 0xcc6600, 0 Style.STRING2 = 0xcc6600, 1 Style.NUMBER = 0x999933, 1 Style.REGEX = 0xcc6600, 0 Style.IDENTIFIER = 0x000000, 0 Style.COMMENT = 0x339933, 2 Style.COMMENT2 = 0x339933, 3 Style.DEFAULT = 0x000000, 0 Style.WARNING = 0xCC0000, 0 Style.ERROR = 0xCC0000, 3