package org.autoplot; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException; import org.das2.dataset.TableDataSet; import org.das2.dataset.TableDataSetAdapter; import org.das2.dataset.TableUtil; import org.das2.dataset.VectorDataSet; import org.das2.dataset.VectorDataSetAdapter; import org.das2.dataset.VectorUtil; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.datum.TimeUtil; import org.das2.datum.Units; import static org.autoplot.ScriptContext.*; import org.das2.util.ArgumentList; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystem; import org.das2.util.monitor.AbstractProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.SubTaskMonitor; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSource; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceFormat; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceRegistry; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qstream.SimpleStreamFormatter; import org.das2.util.FileUtil; /** * Data server for U. Iowa P.W. Group converts URIs into streams of data. These would typically * be qstream or older das2stream format, but the code (apparently) supports .xls, .dat, and .bin as well. * * See also AutoplotServer, which serves images. * @author jbf */ public class AutoplotDataServer { private static final String DEFT_OUTFILE = "-"; private static final String FORM_D2S = "d2s"; private static final String FORM_QDS = "qds"; private static final String FORM_HAPI_INFO = "hapi-info"; private static final String FORM_HAPI_DATA = "hapi-data"; // deprecated private static final String FORM_HAPI_CSV = "hapi-csv"; private static final String FORM_HAPI_DATA_BINARY = "hapi-data-binary"; // deprecated private static final String FORM_HAPI_BINARY = "hapi-binary"; private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.server"); /** * Perform the data service. * @param timeRange the time range to send out, such as "May 2003", or "" for none, or null for none. * @param suri the data source to read in. If this has TimeSeriesBrowse, then we can stream the data. * @param step step size, such as "24 hr" or "3600s". If the URI contains $H, "3600s" is used. * @param stream if true, send data out as it is read. * @param format FORM_QDS, FORM_D2S, FORM_HAPI * @param mon progress monitor to monitor the stream. * @param out stream which receives the data. * @param ascii if true, use ascii types for qstreams and das2streams. * @param outEmpty for the streaming library, so we don't put progress out until we've output the initial header. * @throws Exception */ public static void doService( String timeRange, String suri, String step, boolean stream, String format, final PrintStream out, boolean ascii, Set outEmpty, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws Exception { long t0= System.currentTimeMillis(); QDataSet ds; boolean someValid= false; boolean trimTimes= format.equals(FORM_HAPI_BINARY) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_CSV) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_DATA) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_DATA_BINARY); if ( timeRange==null ) timeRange=""; // peek to see if there is a timeRange within the URI, and make this equivalent to the case where timerange is specified. if ( timeRange.length()==0 ) { DataSource dss1= DataSetURI.getDataSource(suri); TimeSeriesBrowse tsb1= dss1.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class); // Note some Jyds scripts allow TSB to be present after the load. if ( tsb1!=null ) { timeRange= tsb1.getTimeRange().toString(); } } if ( !timeRange.equals("")) { logger.fine("org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet( suri,timeRange ):"); logger.log(Level.FINE, " suri={0}", suri); logger.log(Level.FINE, " timeRange={0}", timeRange); DatumRange outer= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange(timeRange); // see if there's a "native" step size to be aware of. There's no way to do this the existing TSB capability, so we kludge for it to support RBSP at U. Iowa. DataSource dss= DataSetURI.getDataSource(suri); TimeSeriesBrowse tsb= dss.getCapability(TimeSeriesBrowse.class); if ( tsb!=null && suri.contains("$H") ) { step= "3600s"; } Datum first= TimeUtil.prevMidnight( outer.min() ); Datum next= first.add( Units.seconds.parse(step) ); List drs; if ( stream && ( format.equals(FORM_D2S) || format.equals(FORM_QDS) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_DATA) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_CSV) || format.equals(FORM_HAPI_DATA_BINARY)) ) { drs= DatumRangeUtil.generateList( outer, new DatumRange( first, next ) ); } else { // dat xls cannot stream... drs= Collections.singletonList(outer); } int i=0; mon.setTaskSize(10*drs.size()); mon.setTaskProgress( 5 ); for ( DatumRange dr: drs ) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "time at read start read of {0}= {1}", new Object[] { dr.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 } ); //make sure URIs with time series browse have a timerange in the URI. Otherwise we often crash on the above line... //TODO: find a way to test for this and give a good error message. logger.fine( String.format( "getDataSet('%s','%s')", suri, dr ) ); QDataSet ds1= null; try { ds1= org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet(suri, dr.toString(), SubTaskMonitor.create( mon, i*10, (i+1)*10 ) ); } catch ( NoDataInIntervalException ex ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "no data trying to read "+dr, ex ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException ex ) { logger.log( Level.FINE, "no files found trying to read "+dr, ex ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, "exception when trying to read "+dr, ex ); } if ( ds1!=null && trimTimes ) { ds1= Ops.trim( ds1, outer ); } logger.log( Level.FINE, " --> {0} )", ds1 ); if ( ds1!=null ) { if ( !SemanticOps.isTimeSeries(ds1) ) { //automatically fall back to -nostream logger.fine( String.format( "dataset doesn't appear to be a time series, reloading everything" ) ); ds1 = org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet(suri, outer.toString(), SubTaskMonitor.create( mon, i*10, (i+1)*10 ) ); logger.log( Level.FINE, " --> {0} )", ds1 ); writeData(format, out, ds1, ascii, stream ); someValid= true; break; } if ( ds1.rank()==1 ) { QDataSet xrange= Ops.extent( SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds1) ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "loaded ds={0} bounds: {1}", new Object[]{ds1, xrange}); logger.log( Level.FINE, "time at read done read of {0}= {1}\n", new Object[]{ dr.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 } ); } else if ( ds1.rank()==2 || ds1.rank()==3 ) { QDataSet range= DataSetOps.dependBounds( ds1 ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "loaded ds={0} bounds: {1}", new Object[]{ds1, range}); logger.log( Level.FINE, "time at read done read of {0}= {1}\n", new Object[]{ dr.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 } ); } writeData(format, out, ds1, ascii, stream ); outEmpty.add("out is no longer empty"); someValid= true; } i++; mon.setTaskProgress(i*10); logger.log( Level.FINER, "time at write to output channel {0}= {1}\n", new Object[] { dr.toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 } ); } mon.finished(); } else { // TODO: consider the virtue of allowing this, where a timerange is not specified. logger.fine("org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet( suri ):"); logger.log( Level.FINE, " suri={0}\n", suri ); ds = org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.getDataSet(suri,mon); logger.log(Level.FINE, "loaded ds={0}", ds); if ( ds!=null ) { writeData(format, out, ds, false, false ); someValid= true; } } logger.log( Level.FINE, "time to read (ms): {0}", System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 ); if ( !someValid ) { switch (format) { case FORM_D2S: { String s; if ( !stream ) { s= ""; out.printf( String.format( "[00]%06d%s", s.length(), s ) ); } s= String.format( "\n", "no data found in "+timeRange ); out.printf( String.format( "[xx]%06d%s", s.length(), s ) ); break; } case FORM_QDS: { String s= String.format( "\n", "no data found in "+timeRange ); out.printf( String.format( "[xx]%06d%s", s.length(), s ) ); break; } } } } public AutoplotDataServer() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("AutoplotDataServer should not be instantiated"); } private static void formatD2S( QDataSet data, OutputStream fo, boolean ascii, boolean stream ) { boolean binary = !ascii; switch (data.rank()) { case 3: { TableDataSet tds = TableDataSetAdapter.create(data); if (binary) { TableUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( tds, Channels.newChannel(fo), false, !stream ); } else { TableUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( tds, Channels.newChannel(fo), true, !stream ); } break; } case 2: { TableDataSet tds = TableDataSetAdapter.create(data); if (binary) { TableUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( tds, Channels.newChannel(fo), false, !stream ); } else { TableUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( tds, Channels.newChannel(fo), true, !stream ); } break; } case 1: VectorDataSet vds = VectorDataSetAdapter.create(data); if (binary) { VectorUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( vds, Channels.newChannel(fo), false, !stream ); } else { VectorUtil.dumpToDas2Stream( vds, Channels.newChannel(fo), true, !stream ); } break; default: break; } } private static void writeData( String format, OutputStream out, QDataSet ds, boolean ascii, boolean stream) throws Exception { switch (format) { case FORM_D2S: formatD2S( ds, out, ascii, stream ); break; case FORM_QDS: if ( QDataSet.DEPEND_1 )!=null && QDataSet.BUNDLE_1 )!=null ) {"dropping BUNDLE_1 when DEPEND_1 is present"); ds= Ops.maybeCopy(ds); ((MutablePropertyDataSet)ds).putProperty(QDataSet.BUNDLE_1,null); } new SimpleStreamFormatter().format(ds, out, ascii ); break; case FORM_HAPI_INFO: { final DataSourceFormat dsf = DataSourceRegistry.getInstance().getFormatByExt("hapi"); int irand= (int)( Math.round( Math.random() * 100000000 ) ); String n= String.format( "/tmp/ap-hapi/ads%09d", irand ); File file= new File( n+".hapi"); dsf.formatData( file.toString()+"?id=temp", ds, new NullProgressMonitor() ); File infoFile= new File( n+"/hapi/info/temp.json" ); FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream(infoFile); DataSourceUtil.transfer( fin, out, false ); FileUtil.deleteFileTree( new File(n) ); break; } case FORM_HAPI_DATA_BINARY: case FORM_HAPI_BINARY: { final DataSourceFormat dsf = DataSourceRegistry.getInstance().getFormatByExt("hapi"); int irand= (int)( Math.round( Math.random() * 100000000 ) ); String n= String.format( "/tmp/ap-hapi/ads%09d", irand ); File file= new File( n+".hapi"); dsf.formatData( file.toString()+"?id=temp&format=binary", ds, new NullProgressMonitor() ); File binaryFile= new File( n+"/hapi/data/temp.binary" ); FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream(binaryFile); DataSourceUtil.transfer( fin, out, false ); FileUtil.deleteFileTree( new File(n) ); break; } case FORM_HAPI_DATA: case FORM_HAPI_CSV: { final DataSourceFormat dsf = DataSourceRegistry.getInstance().getFormatByExt("hapi"); int irand= (int)( Math.round( Math.random() * 100000000 ) ); String n= String.format( "/tmp/ap-hapi/ads%09d", irand ); File file= new File( n+".hapi"); dsf.formatData( file.toString()+"?id=temp", ds, new NullProgressMonitor() ); File csvFile= new File( n+"/hapi/data/temp.csv" ); FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream(csvFile); DataSourceUtil.transfer( fin, out, false ); FileUtil.deleteFileTree( new File(n) ); break; } case "dat": case "xls": case "bin": { File file= File.createTempFile("autoplotDataServer", "."+format ); formatDataSet( ds, file.toString() ); FileInputStream fin= new FileInputStream(file); DataSourceUtil.transfer( fin, out, false ); break; } default: throw new IllegalAccessException("bad format: "+format ); } } public static class D2SMonitor extends AbstractProgressMonitor { PrintStream out; Set outEmpty; D2SMonitor( OutputStream out, Set outEmpty ) { this.out= new PrintStream(out); this.outEmpty= outEmpty; } long lastUpdateTime= -1; @Override public void setTaskSize(long taskSize) { String msg2= String.format( "[00]000056\n", taskSize ); out.print( msg2 ); } @Override public void setTaskProgress(long position) throws IllegalArgumentException { long tnow= System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( this.getTaskProgress()==position && ( tnow-lastUpdateTime < 10000 ) ) return; lastUpdateTime= tnow; super.setTaskProgress(position); String msg= String.format( "[xx]000059\n", position ); if ( outEmpty.isEmpty() ) return; out.print( msg ); } } /** * put a comment onto the stream no more often then once per second. */ public static class QStreamMonitor extends AbstractProgressMonitor { PrintStream out; Set outEmpty; // if this is empty then out is empty. QStreamMonitor( OutputStream out, Set outEmpty ) { this.out= new PrintStream(out); this.outEmpty= outEmpty; } long lastUpdateTime= -1; @Override public void setTaskSize(long taskSize) { super.setTaskSize(taskSize); } @Override public void setTaskProgress(long position) throws IllegalArgumentException { long tnow= System.currentTimeMillis(); super.setTaskProgress(position); if ( this.getTaskProgress()==position && ( tnow-lastUpdateTime < 1000 ) ) return; lastUpdateTime= tnow; //TODO: check that \n on windows doesn't put out 10-13. String comment= String.format( "\n", getTaskProgress(), getTaskSize() ); String msg= String.format( "[xx]%06d%s", comment.length(), comment ); if ( outEmpty.isEmpty() ) return; out.print( msg ); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.setProperty("java.awt.headless","true"); ArgumentList alm = new ArgumentList("AutoplotDataServer"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("uri", "u", "uri", "", "URI to plot"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("format", "f", "format", "", "output format qds, d2s (default=d2s if no filename) which support streaming, or xls bin dat hapi-info hapi-csv hapi-binary"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("outfile", "o", "outfile", DEFT_OUTFILE, "output filename or -, extension implies format."); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("timeRange", "t", "timeRange", "", "timerange for TimeSeriesBrowse datasources"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("timeStep", "s", "timeStep", "86400s", "atom step size for loading and sending, default is 86400s"); alm.addOptionalSwitchArgument("cache", "c", "cache", "", "location where files are downloaded, default is $HOME/autoplot_data/cache"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "nostream", "", "nostream","disable streaming, as with Bill's dataset which is X and Y table"); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "ascii", "a", "ascii", "request that ascii streams be sent instead of binary."); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "noexit", "z", "noexit", "don't exit after running, for use with scripts." ); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "quiet", "q", "quiet", "don't print anything besides warning messages to stderr." ); alm.addBooleanSwitchArgument( "enableResponseMonitor", null, "enableResponseMonitor", "monitor the event thread for long unresponsive pauses"); alm.requireOneOf(new String[]{"uri"}); if ( !alm.process(args) ) { System.exit( alm.getExitCode() ); } if ( alm.getBooleanValue("quiet") ) { // don't print anything. } else { System.err.println("org.autoplot.AutoplotDataServer 20160309 (Autoplot version " + APSplash.getVersion() + ")" ); } alm.logPrefsSettings( logger ); String suri = alm.getValue("uri"); if ( suri.startsWith("'") && suri.endsWith("'") ) { suri= suri.substring( 1, suri.length()-1 ); } String timeRange = alm.getValue("timeRange"); String step = alm.getValue("timeStep"); boolean ascii= alm.getBooleanValue("ascii"); boolean stream= ! alm.getBooleanValue("nostream"); //AutoplotUtil.maybeLoadSystemProperties(); //if ( System.getProperty("enableResponseMonitor","false").equals("true") // || alm.getBooleanValue("enableResponseMonitor") ) { if ( alm.getBooleanValue("enableResponseMonitor") ) { EventThreadResponseMonitor emon= new EventThreadResponseMonitor(); emon.start(); } //initialize the application. We don't use the object, but this //will allow us to reset the cache position. getDocumentModel(); // set up the cache. String cache = alm.getValue("cache"); if (!cache.equals("")) { File fcache = new File(cache); if ( !fcache.exists() && !fcache.mkdirs()) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "unable to make dirs for cache={0}", fcache); } if (!fcache.canWrite()) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "unable to write to cache={0}", fcache); } File ff= new File( fcache, "testCache.empty" ); try (FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream( ff )) { fo.write( "AutoplotDataServer is able to write a file\n".getBytes() ); } FileSystem.settings().setLocalCacheDir(new File(cache)); logger.log(Level.FINE, "using cache dir {0}", FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir()); } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "using default cache dir {0}", FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir()); } if (suri.equals("")) { alm.printUsage(); logger.fine("uri must be specified."); if ( !alm.getBooleanValue("noexit") ) System.exit(-1); else return; } String format = alm.getValue("format"); String outfile = alm.getValue("outfile"); if ( format.length()>0 && !format.startsWith("hapi") && !outfile.equals(DEFT_OUTFILE) ) { if ( !outfile.endsWith(format) ) { System.err.println("format="+format+" doesn't match outfile extension. outfile="+outfile ); if ( !alm.getBooleanValue("noexit") ) System.exit(-2); else return; } } if (outfile.endsWith(".qds")) { format = FORM_QDS; } else if (outfile.endsWith(".d2s")) { format = FORM_D2S; } else if ( outfile.contains(".") ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(outfile); if ( !format.startsWith("hapi") ) { format= split.ext; if ( format==null ) { split= URISplit.parse("file:///"+outfile); format= split.ext; } } } if ( format.length()==0 ) { // implement default. format= FORM_D2S; } if ( format.startsWith(".") ) { format= format.substring(1); } ProgressMonitor mon= new NullProgressMonitor(); final PrintStream out; Set outEmpty= new HashSet<>(); // nasty kludge to prevent logger from writing first. This is a bug: qstreams at least should support this. if ( outfile.equals(DEFT_OUTFILE) ) { out= System.out; } else { out = new PrintStream(outfile); } if ( format.equals(FORM_D2S) && stream ) { mon= new D2SMonitor(out,outEmpty); } else if ( format.equals(FORM_QDS) && stream ) { mon= new QStreamMonitor(out,outEmpty); } else { logger.fine("no progress available because output is not d2s stream"); } doService( timeRange, suri, step, stream, format,out, ascii, outEmpty, mon ); out.close(); if ( !alm.getBooleanValue("noexit") ) System.exit(0); } }