poolTemperature: Garden Pool Temperature (available 2019-01-01 00:00 to 2025-03-28 07:13, example range 2021-05-01 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperatureatticTemperature: attic air temperature (available 2019-01-01 through 2021-07-21, example range 2021-07-21 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperaturefreezerTemperature: freezer temperature (available 2019-01-01 00:00 to 2025-03-28 07:13, example range 2025-03-27 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperaturegroundTemp: temperature at 2ft below grade (available 2019-01-01 00:00 to 2025-03-28 07:13, example range 2025-03-27 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Temperature0B000800408DD710: Sensor 0B (available 2012-01-09 through 2019-08-12, example range 2019-08-12 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Temperature8500080044259C10: Sensor 85 (available 2012-01-09 through 2019-08-12, example range 2019-08-12 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Temperature610008002FE00410: Sensor 61 (available 2012-01-09 through 2019-08-12, example range 2019-08-12 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperatureAC00080040250510: Sensor AC (available 2012-01-09 through 2019-08-12, example range 2019-08-12 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Temperature10.E02340000800: Compost Bin (available 2017-05-30 through 2018-06-29, example range 2018-06-15 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperatureIowa City Conditions (available 2012-05-28 through 2025-03-27, example range 2025-03-26 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Temperatureicwc: Iowa City Weather Conditions (available 2012-05-28 through 2025-03-27, example range 2025-03-26 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperatureIowa City Forecast (available 2012-05-28 through 2025-03-27, example range 2019-07-01 through 2019-07-03 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time TemperatureSpectrum: Example Spectrum (available 2012-09-01 through 2017-02-13, example range 2016-01-01 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time SpectraPowerWheel: Spinning Wheel on Power Meter (available 2016-07-28 through 2019-03-06, example range 2016-07-28 20:00 to 24:00 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time PowerWheelSpectrogramRank2: Example Rank 2 Spectrum (available 2014-01-09 00:00 to 2025-03-28 07:13, example range 2014-01-09 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time SpectrogramRank2PowerOnesDigitSegments (available 2016-07-28 00:00 to 2017-03-14 16:00, example range 2016-07-28 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time PowerOnesDigitSegmentsspecBins: binsSpec (available 2016-01-01 0:00 to 23:59, example range 2016-01-01 0:00 to 23:59 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time specBinsspecBins.ref: specBinsRef (available 2016-01-01 0:00 to 23:59, example range 2016-01-01 0:00 to 23:59 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time countsSpectrumTimeVaryingChannels: time-varying channels (available 2012-10-25 through 2016-12-31, example range 2016-01-01 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time SpectraWFR_E_B: RBSP WFR Data, 6 channels (available 2017-02-09 0:00 to 23:59, example range 2017-02-09 0:00 to 23:59 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time data1爱荷华城天气: test of character limits (available 2012-05-28 through 2025-03-27, example range 2025-03-26 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time 温度bulletin météo: unicode with spaces (available 2012-05-28 through 2025-03-27, example range 2025-03-26 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time températurestrange/\data/: more strange characters (available 2017-05-30 through 2018-06-29, example range 2018-06-15 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time météorank3dep2: demo of high rank dependence (available 2021-04-07 0:00 to 1:00, example range 2021-04-07 0:00 to 0:30 shown)
[Info] [Data] Time Counts